Mechanic with customer discussing car repair


When should you fix it and when is it time to shop around?

Your 车辆 has carried you over miles of daily commutes, road trips and so much more. How do you decide if it's better to fix up or trade up? 这里有一些关键问题要问.


Even if it's paid off, you've got gas, pp王者电子官网 and maintenance to consider. Total up the last year's worth of spending on all three, 加上任何税费, and divide by 12 for your average monthly 车辆 costs.


Just one doesn't necessarily mean it's trade-in time. 几次紧挨着的修理可能. 问问你的机械师 for an honest evaluation of all current and potential future issues your 车辆 may have. Compare total repair costs and monthly 车辆 costs with what a new 车辆 would run you monthly.


Enter your 车辆's information on a free trusted website, such as 凯利蓝皮书® 或者是 National 汽车mobile Dealers Association, to find out how much you'd likely get if you sold it or traded it in. Consider that number in relation to any big-ticket and typical annual maintenance costs.


Do you worry about your 车辆 breaking down on the road or often feel unsafe as you drive? 较新的车辆有许多 出色的安全功能 such as advanced airbags, better handling, 备份相机 以及车道偏离警告系统.


研究你的下一辆车. Look at price, less any trade-in value or down payment, and figure out your potential 每月付款. 加上每月预计的燃料费用, pp王者电子官网 和费用.

Compare this monthly payment to your current expenses for a clear picture of the difference and its impact on your budget. 如果它太棒了, consider setting aside whatever you can afford monthly in a 车辆 fund for surprise repairs or a future down payment.

We have some calculators that may help with your decision:

New vs used car — calculate the cost of ownership
Calculator whether to lease or buy a car
Calculate the best choice: New car rebate or financing
Calculate whether it's best to pay cash or finance a car

If you do decide to get a new car be sure to check out these 保养小贴士.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer 或者是 advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable pp王者电子官网 policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Use less gas with these fuel efficiency tips

Regardless of the 车辆 you drive, these techniques may help you save gas.


Understand what this technology is and how it may help you get an auto discount for safe driving.


在车辆上做作业, 贷款利率, and car prices might help keep the process from being overwhelming.


Find out how your car or truck rates in our annual auto pp王者电子官网 ratings — and how it will affect your premium.