Small business owner sitting among her many plants.

Tenant small business


As an entrepreneur, 你已经准备好将你的业务从你的餐桌扩展到自己的店面或仓库. When looking at renting a space for your business, 你需要考虑你对空间和位置的需求,以及如何支付它并帮助保护它.

Rent a space for business

在考虑一处房产时,你需要考虑各种各样的选择. 这样你就知道你的社区有哪些房产,它会给你一个机会来考虑哪些空间最适合你的业务.

Location is the key consideration in looking to rent a space. Is your business dependent on customer foot traffic? Do you need to be in a centralized metro location, or convenient location at a strip center, 或者你需要标志来吸引客户到你的业务,这是一个有点不寻常的路径?

在选址时要考虑的其他一些事情:对你的顾客来说方便吗, you and employees? Is the space near stores, banks, daycare and other important needs for your business, you and employees? 附近的建筑物里有什么样的企业和办公室啊?

When you are looking at spaces other "must haves" may include:

  • Parking物业是否能满足客户和员工的停车需求?
  • Build out and equipment: Are you looking for a furnished or semi-furnished space? 你在寻找一个可以满足你特定需求的空间吗? Also, will you have 24/7 access to your business space?
  • Utilities and internet:互联网接入和公用事业有哪些选择和费用?
  • Facilities and staff amenities洗手间是否足够大,可以容纳员工和顾客? 您的团队或主持会议时需要厨房设施吗?

Determine where you are in your business model

As you look at your options for renting space for your business, 这是一个很好的时间来评估你在你的商业模式中的位置,并考虑更新或 reviewing your business plan.

当你考虑商业空间时,你需要平衡空间的大小和你的预算. 如果你是一个新企业主,或者在这个行业只有几年的经验, 你可能想要考虑较小的空间,提供扩展的选择,这样你就有了成长的空间.

Likewise, 如果你是在你的企业所有权的中间或最后几年, 这个空间是否灵活,可以让你缩小规模,或者——如果你卖掉了企业——让新的所有者扩大规模?

你能以新地点的额外费用实现你的财务目标吗? If you are moving your business from your home to a new location, it can require as much planning and consideration as it did to start your business.

What is your budget?

当你考虑扩大你的业务,并为它租一个地方, there are initial costs that may add up to a big expense.

除了规划建造和布置企业新空间的成本之外, 你可能需要在搬家当天的预算中增加一些空间,用于购买基本的操作用品,比如纸张, pens and coffee.

Once you're in your new space, 你不仅需要支付每月的房租和水电费, 但如果你的搬迁包括增加员工,你可能需要考虑人事成本.

Landlord requirements

Once you have found the space that works for you, 在你签租约之前,问问业主对你有什么要求.

Some property owners will take care of maintaining the property, but depending on the lease, some of that falls to the tenant. You'll want to have a budget for those responsibilities.

确保你明白如果你提前终止租约,你的期望是什么, and know what your options are for renewing.

And you'll need help protecting all of your hard work. 业主只能购买pp王者电子官网来保护他们在建筑物上的投资, but they may require you to insure portions of the building, any changes you made to the building, and your business property.


为你的公司租一个地方对任何创业者来说都是一个重要的里程碑, 所以给自己足够的时间去寻找梦想的空间,当你能负担得起它,当它变得可用.

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