

Steps to stay safe after an earthquake and ways to help protect your property.

地震s can be scary, but the danger doesn't end when the shaking stops. 即使你已经 为地震做准备你和你家人的安全是你的 首要任务. T在这里 are several actions that you should take after an earthquake stops to help keep you and your family safe and protect your property.


保持冷静,确保你在一个安全的地方. 如果可能的话, put on protective clothing such as sturdy boots or shoes in case you need to walk through debris or broken glass. If your home or the location you are at is damaged, slowly and safely evacuate. Get outside to your designated meeting spot or a safe place away from damaged roadways, 高大的建筑和电线. 去一个更安全的地方, 注意结构损坏, 坠落的碎片, 气体泄漏, 电线掉落或可燃液体泄漏. And do not enter any damaged buildings or use an elevator.


Look for common earthquake injuries such as head trauma, lacerations or fractures. The quicker you can get attention for injuries, the better. If you have your earthquake bag with you, a first-aid kit will be helpful. 联系 local authorities for a serious medical emergency.


保持警惕,为余震做好准备. 根据美国.S. 地质学会, 余震是较小的地震 这发生在主地震之后. Numerous earthquake aftershocks can continue for a long time after the main earthquake, so don't assume that it is safe to go back to your home. 


80%的地震 occur along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean or the “火山带,这可能会引发海啸. If you are near the shore and in an area that could experience a 海啸, 立即向内陆高地转移. A 海啸 can be very fast moving and could arrive within minutes of an earthquake.

Establish communication and monitor the situation

Check on family, neighbors or coworkers, and help them if needed. Listen for updates and instructions from local media with a battery-operated radio or cellphone. They will likely have emergency broadcasts with damage information and rescue centers. Only return home if authorities indicate it is safe to do so.


When entering your home after an earthquake, you should be extremely careful. 如果这样做是安全的, 关闭任何公用设施 这可能会造成危险. Damage to the building may not be apparent to the eye and you need to watch each step. You should also have an exit route planned in case of an aftershock. 注意:

  • 损坏的墙壁、地板、门和楼梯
  • Gas leaks, which may be apparent by smell or hissing sounds
  • 电气系统损坏
  • 污水或水管损坏
  • Loose drywall, plaster or ceilings that can fall

安全 should be the #1 priority when inspecting damage or making any repairs.

Document earthquake damage and file an earthquake claim

当你回到你的家, you should try to take pictures of the damage and contents for possible insurance claims. 如果您已经创建了 家里的库存, it can help you identify what is damaged or missing. You'll want to start your claim as soon as possible to receive your help in a timely manner. If you are a 状态 Farm® customer, you may be able to 开始网上索赔.

地震是件可怕的事,但如果 你准备,知道 如何保持安全 and know what to do afterward, you can minimize your danger and protect your home. 联系 州立农场代理 for more information or to review your insurance policy to make sure you have the coverage you need.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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When severe weather looms, see that your home or small business is prepared for a power failure.


这不是一般的工作, but for members of the 状态 Farm Catastrophe Team®, 这是最快的帮助方式.


If your area got hit hard with a catastrophe or weather event, 见不得人的承包商可能会上门维修. 学习一些可以帮助你发现它们的技巧.


在地震发生之前, help prepare your family and your home with these earthquake preparation tips.