Woman hanging homemade for sale sign in car window

How to safely sell a car in a few simple steps

Consider these safety tips when selling a car privately.

把你的车卖给你自己而不是经销商可能看起来很可怕,但事实并非如此. 如果你做了作业, 这对你来说可能会更好——特别是如果你计划出售的汽车价值很高的话. Below are some tips to help you along the way.

What paperwork do I need to sell my car?

第一步是收集与你出售的汽车有关的所有文件. 这些文件包括:

  • 保修信息 -如果车辆仍有保修单,请将保修单提供给新买家.
  • 销售单据 - When you create a bill of sale, include:
    • 销售日期
    • 你的名字和买家的名字
    • 汽车的年份、品牌和型号
    • 协商价格
    • 如果汽车是“按原样”出售的,或者你提供维修津贴
  • Title -根据你所在州的规定, you will likely sign off on the title, 转到买方名下.
  • 汽车管理处规例 - Depending on the state w在这里 you live, you may need an emissions test or an odometer disclosure statement.


To help get the best price for your car, consider the following:

  • 完成维修 - 小物件维修 -例如液体, 刹车, 灯泡, 轮胎充气, 挡风玻璃裂缝, dents or scratches — may help you get more money for your 车辆. 保留任何维修收据,向买家展示已经完成的工作.
  • 清洁它 -虽然这似乎是显而易见的,但许多卖家跳过或勉强遵循这一步. A 清洁,打蜡和 气味清新 汽车可以吸引买家. So, pay attention to both the car's interior and exterior. 清理手套箱和后车箱. Wipe down all surfaces, including cup holders. 用吸尘器彻底吸尘,并记得清除所有pp王者电子官网杠贴纸以及它们留下的残留物.


This can be one of the hardest parts of selling a 二手车. Most people don't know w在这里 to start when it comes to pricing. First, check out free appraisal tools on the internet. Compare the value of your 车辆 as listed on multiple sites. Be realistic when evaluating the 条件 of your car. 这里有一些网站可能会有所帮助:



在私人市场上销售汽车的另一个挑战是接触潜在买家. How do you get the word out that you have a 车辆 to sell? 记住 t在这里 are services, such as CarMax, that will purchase your 车辆 and resell it for you. If you decide to go ahead and sell on your own, 小心诈骗和那些试图利用你的人.

如果你决定自我推销, 接触潜在买家的一个好方法是通过当地的分类网站或各种在线服务——你可以在那里发布你的车的照片和描述. You may also buy ad space on sites, such as 汽车Trader.com or 脸谱网 (locally), to help sell your car.


写广告卖你的车, 这是一个好主意,包括所有有关您的车辆的事实,如, 模型, 一年, 条件, 里程, 价格和照片. To help make it stand out in a crowd of similar ads, consider including: color and trim; any extra features such as seat warmers or a sunroof; and if it has low 里程, only one owner or gets great gas 里程.


买二手车,它是否来自 经销商或私人卖家对任何人来说都是一项投资. 在购买之前,他们想要尽可能地了解车辆和卖家. Here are a few ways you can help them:

  • 汽车的历史 -如果你的车是旧款,或者如果你不是原车主,考虑申请一个 交叉路口 报告. 这将提供有关汽车历史、任何事故及其维护记录的信息.
  • 你为什么要卖 - Buyers will be curious as to why you are selling the car. Think about how you'll answer and be ready for their questions.
  • 快速响应 -当您接到电话时, text or email that the buyer is ready to make a purchase, respond quickly with your acceptance or a counteroffer. 如果你反应迟钝,买家可能会认为你不感兴趣,或者你不想卖.

How do I offer potential buyers a test drive?

一旦你找到了一个潜在的买家,你就会想要安排一次试驾. Let the buyer get a feel for how the car handles. Follow these tips below to help create a safe test drive experience.

  • 屏幕上的买家 - Thoroughly vet potential buyers before scheduling a test drive. Speak to the person on the phone and ask them screening questions, such as whether or not they have financing lined up. 也要向他们提问,以确定他们是否是认真的买家.
  • 人数和能见度安全 - Don’t go on a test drive alone — ask a friend to join you. 将试驾安排在白天,并在人口密集的地区与潜在买家会面.
  • 凭证 - Check the buyer's license before they get behind the wheel. 记住, 卖方的pp王者电子官网是主要的,测试司机将被视为许可用户.

The test drive is not the time to take payment; but once completed, it's appropriate to begin negotiating the price.

How do I conduct a secure transaction?

Transferring the title also calls for a secure environment. 当你准备好正式销售时,考虑一下下面的建议.

  • Take payment inside the walls of a bank - The safest place to exchange payment is at the buyer's bank. Do not agree to drive the potential buyer to another location, especially if it's to pick up the payment.
  • 用头衔换报酬 -在您收到约定的全额付款之前,不要签署或将车辆所有权交给买方. 如果付款不是现金, see that the check or money order is legitimate, or wait for the Venmo payment to deposit in your checking account. 如果买方用支票付款, go to the Federal Deposit pp王者电子官网 Corporation (FDIC) website, FakeChecks.,以核实其是否欺诈.
  • 使用托管服务时要小心 -托管服务将保留买方支付的费用,直到卖方交付购买的物品,可以帮助确保双方免受欺诈. 在使用托管服务之前, 然而, 彻底研究并确认它是有信誉的,以避免与冒充托管服务的骗子接触.


  • 留下书面记录 -文书工作很重要, 比如标题, 是否正确处理,以便您的汽车的转让可以适当地完成,您不负责任何与车辆出售后发生的事情.
  • Remove personal information from paperwork to be given to buyer -避免身份被盗用的风险, 标注个人信息, 比如信用卡号, from any paperwork you will be handing off to the buyer.
  • Keep your car insured until transaction takes place -确保你的车在所有权和注册转移给买家之前都有pp王者电子官网. 你可以被认为对发生的任何事情负责,直到汽车进入买家的名下.
  • 谨防网络骗子 - Be cautious when sharing personal and financial information online; scammers may ask for this information to use it for malicious purposes. 也, 避开那些想用电子方式付款或想让别人代他们取车的买家, particularly if they decline to test drive the car beforehand.

After you have sold your car, don’t forget to reach out to your 状态 Farm®代理 更新你的 汽车pp王者电子官网 政策.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance 政策. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company

状态 Farm County Mutual pp王者电子官网 Company of Texas








新和. 二手车 — calculate cost of ownership

Purchase price is just one consideration. 还要权衡折旧和利息成本,以确定汽车拥有的总成本.

Use less gas with these fuel efficiency tips
