How much is renters insurance?

For most people who rent an apartment or home, the cost of renters insurance fits within their budget.

租房者每月的pp王者电子官网费约为15美元,约为35美元,000 in coverage limits, 根据全国pp王者电子官网专员协会(NAIC)的调查. That’s almost less than a fast-food lunch.


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A woman unpacking moving boxes.

Renters insurance savings

Bundling renters and auto policies 也许能省下足够支付你新租客政策的费用.1 But it’s not the only way you can save money. 安装一个家庭安全设备也可以帮助你把钱放在口袋里.

Explore renters insurance savings

​Take an inventory to determine need

个人财产pp王者电子官网可能是你购买租客pp王者电子官网的主要原因. The coverage will reimburse you for covered damage, loss, 或者盗窃你的个人财产,数额不超过一定数额, so you'll want to make sure you get that amount right.

Performing a home inventory is a good way to determine how much property coverage you need. 按照以下步骤清点你的个人财产:

  1. 列出每件物品,当你获得它和购买价格或当前价值.
  2. 把这些物品的总数加起来,大致知道你的财产值多少钱.
  3. Once this is done, 比如,把你的存货放在离家很远的安全地方, in a bank safe deposit box.
  4. 考虑将照片添加到你的库存中——如果你有索赔要求,这可能会有所帮助.

Choose the right renters insurance deductible

免赔额是当你提出索赔时你要负责的金额. 例如,假设您的入室盗窃索赔是10,000美元,而您的免赔额是500美元. 申请免赔额后,你的理赔金额为9,500元.

一般来说,免赔额越高,保费越低. However, with the higher deductible, 如果你提出索赔,你的经济责任就越大. When choosing a deductible, 仔细考虑你愿意支付的费用, and able, to pay. 你的代理人可以帮你确定最适合你的免赔额.

免赔额是当你提出索赔时你要负责的金额. 例如,假设您的入室盗窃索赔是10,000美元,而您的免赔额是500美元. 申请免赔额后,你的理赔金额为9,500元.

一般来说,免赔额越高,保费越低. However, with the higher deductible, 如果你提出索赔,你的经济责任就越大. When choosing a deductible, 仔细考虑你愿意支付的费用, and able, to pay. 你的代理人可以帮你确定最适合你的免赔额.

Additional coverages available

你可能想要比租客政策提供更多的pp王者电子官网. We can help.

Inflation coverage

随着通货膨胀改变生活成本,自动增加你个人财产的pp王者电子官网范围. 这些变化是基于通货膨胀指数的变动,并反映在每次年度保单续期的保费中. 这种pp王者电子官网根据在损失发生时修理或更换受损财产的费用提供赔偿, if actually replaced.

Tip: 选择State Farm的重置成本pp王者电子官网,让您的资金得到最大的保障.
Personal liability

为您在pp王者电子官网范围内因意外事故造成的身体伤害或财产损失而承担的法律责任提供赔偿. 此外,它可能会为您支付因这些索赔或诉讼而产生的法律辩护费用.

Medical payments to others


Additional provisions about personal property to consider

Limited replacement cost loss settlement


Depreciated loss settlement


Personal property special limits

大多数保单都有公司赔偿特定类型财产损失的最高限额(这些限额因公司而异)。. So, 而个人财产损失结算条款则决定了你个人财产的损失支付, 要知道特殊pp王者电子官网范围限制适用于某些类型的财产, including

  • Boats and other watercraft equipment
  • Money, bank notes and coins (including collections)
  • Property used or intended for use in a business
  • 证券,支票,旅行支票,礼品卡,电话卡
  • 邮票、卡片及漫画书(包括集锦)
  • 珠宝、皮草、火器、银器和金器、地毯、挂毯和壁挂的盗窃损失

如果您对某些类型的财产需要更高的限额,您的 State Farm agent can help.

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1 Customers may always choose to purchase only one policy, 但购买两次或两次以上不同险种的折扣将不适用. 储蓄,折扣名称,百分比,可用性和资格可能因州而异.


本文件仅包含pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,并非合同声明. 所有pp王者电子官网均受所有保单条款和适用背书的约束. For further information, please see a State Farm Agent.


租户pp王者电子官网的实际年保费将根据所选择的pp王者电子官网范围而有所不同, amounts of coverage, deductibles, and other factors. 这只是pp王者电子官网范围的一般说明,而不是合同的说明. Coverage is subject to the terms, provisions, pp王者电子官网单本身及任何批注中的免责条款和条件.

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm General Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm Florida Insurance Company
Winter Haven, FL

State Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX